Welcome to Sargeant Marine, Inc.

Sargeant Marine, Inc. was formed in 1983. The company concentrated on the transportation of asphalt products through chartered vessels. In 1989, the company introduced into the market ISO bitumen containers that would enable the shipment of asphalt product in 20 ton lots to remote destinations worldwide.
Sargeant Marine Inc., is a world leader in the sales, marketing, and transportation of asphalt and bitumen products. Our sales and marketing staffs at various worldwide locations are ready to assist in your next asphalt requirement.
Sargeant Marine, Inc.
321 E. Hillsboro Blvd.
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Telephone 561-999-9916 Telefax 561-999-9506
Contact Vic Vidi E-mail: vvidi@sargeant.net
Supply of asphalt products in 19 MT capacity ISO "Bulktainers" is often a more cost effective and efficient alternative to delivery in 55-gallon drums. Sargeant has a fleet of about 400 Bulktainers. They can be used on a worldwide basis to service customers who require bulk deliveries where bulk asphalt terminals do not exist or where customers wish to avoid the logistical problems of handling large quantities of drums. Sargeant has used Bulktainers to supply projects as large as the surfacing of Chek Lap Kok Airport in Hong Kong. For that project, about 60,000 MT of asphalt was delivered in a period of two years using a fleet of just 32 tanks. At the other end of the scale we supply customers in the Caribbean who may order only 3 or 4 Bulktainers per year. All of the Bulktainers in our fleet comply with IMO regulations, are certified by the Bureau Veritas, and have a standard frame size of 20' x 8' x 8'6". A direct-fire diesel burner can heat most of the Bulktainers. All of the Bulktainers are suitable for road and marine transportation. For road transport, the Bulktainers can be carried on either 20' or 40' flatbed chassis with the appropriate twist-lock fittings. Where chassis are not readily available, Sargeant can supply chassis for lease or purchase..
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